9 Smart Tips to Define Keywords in SEO

posted byPatrick Chemoul10/12/2020

Want to know how to define keywords in SEO?

Of course you do!

As SEO optimized keywords lead to higher rankings in search results.

How to define keywords to improve your rankings?

Knowing your keywords is just the start. Defining and using them in your content also requires your attention.

Because: One wrong move and it all goes to waste.

In this article we walk you through 9 easy-to-follow tips to make your keywords do the magic for you.

As with keyword research you must follow a method for defining and using keywords to improve your SEO.

1. Research Keywords

Keyword research is the start of your SEO journey.

The results of keyword research are important in so many ways.

As they give a direction to your content strategy.

Google has recently announced some key changes to how keywords are used in a search query.

Now google will include different words and phrases with the same meaning as the keyword in the search terms.

Gone are the days when the exact same keywords were required to show you results for a particular word as Google goes behind the word and looks at the intent of the query.

So, what does that mean? All this translates into a broader set of keywords, for marketers to plan their content with.

But how do you discover keywords in the first place?

In the first place, conceptualize the terms that you figure your potential clients may look for.

Next, discover related terms via looking on Google by looking down to the base of the page of list items.

And see what else individuals scanning for that term likewise searched for.

Lastly, find the keywords that individuals are as of now utilizing to find your site by utilizing Google Analytics and Google Search Console.

Keyword research isn't only helpful for making new content. It's additionally a significant piece of improving SEO for existing substance.

Two valuable tools for this purpose are:

  • Google Keyword Planner: A great tool to find the right keywords that are related directly to your business.
  • SEMrush: An SEO tool with a wide range of functions including:
    • Keyword Research
    • Topic Research
    • Content Optimization
    • & lot more.

2. Optimize Page Titles

Getting your keyword(s) into the title pages means that it will be displayed as a headline on SERPs.

The search engine picks up page titles from title tags (small HTML elements).

These describe what the corresponding webpage is about.
Optimize your title page and also ensure that smaller mobile screens also display it properly.

Here are the steps that you should follow:

  • Use keyword(s) in the beginning of the page title.

    Since it will be in the beginning of the sentence it will not cut off display on the smaller screens.

    Moreover, it is also considered a good SEO practice.
  • Your title tag should be of optimal length. Google only shows 50–60 characters of a title tag.

    This means that longer titles may not be displayed properly, so keeping under this limit is highly recommended.
  • More is not necessarily better when it comes to keyword density in title tag.

    Variation of keywords helps to keep the attention of both Google and the customer.

3. Use Keywords in meta descriptions

The next important step to define your keywords in SEO is a meta description.

Meta description (also called a snippet) is the short piece of text (135 – 160 characters).

It is placed in the HTML of a web page that describes its content.

The meta description is displayed under your page’s URL on the SERP.

You have to intelligently place keywords in your meta descriptions as well.

It obviously needs to be well written to attract attention.

According to many SEO experts, Google no longer ranks for meta description.

So why are they still relevant and important?

Because Google still relies on them to ascertain how appropriate your content is.

Meta descriptions also help people in deciding whether to visit your page or not.

This is what makes it a pertinent matter to choose the right keywords.

4. Design your Content

Unlike meta descriptions content is still ranked highly by Google.

So, all those clichés about content being the KING are still valid.

Without proper planning, even well-written content could backfire.


Too many keywords in a particular piece lead to penalties from Google.

Also, it is difficult for the reader to focus on.

  • Use keyword in the first few lines
  • Use variations of keyword throughout the body of the content

Headings: The main (H1) heading should include your main keyword and must also accurately reflect your title tag.

It is desirable to use keywords in at least two of the sub-headings.

First 200 words: Search engines and readers typically scan through the first two hundred words for relevant information and keywords.

Keep the introductory part relevant and interesting while using keywords in it.

Body text: Write in your natural flow, use keywords after regular intervals.

Forced inclusions of keywords must be avoided.

Tip: Never stuff keywords in every other sentence.

As this will lead your website to be penalized by Google.

So, what is the secret ingredient that makes your writing stand out?

Audience focus – easier to comprehend and sharp crisp content appeals to users more.

5. Let pictures tell stories you want to tell

To make the content more engaging it is better to include media like images, videos and audio where appropriate.

Since pictures are indexed your content will become more accessible (when you use alt text) and searchable.

This means that images on your website are a great way to people to find your content on the web.

In fact, they open a new dimension of traffic to your online business.

Without alt text it is impossible for search engines to index your image.

It helps to keep the following pointers in mind while using images on a webpage:

  • Images must be related to your content
  • The file name of the image should be relevant to keywords
  • Keywords must also be used in image titles
  • Text and images must be complimentary

Moreover, it is a great way for visually impaired users to better comprehend an on-page image by utilizing their screen readers.

Tip: Include keywords in the file name separated by hyphens not underscores.

This way the search engine will be able to read it properly.

Again, keyword stuffing should be avoided at all costs, as per Google’s latest SEO practices.

6. Let your URLs take people to places

URL (Uniform Resource Locator) is a webpage address.

It is made up of numerous parts, most imperative being domain name and the subdomain name.

Adding keywords to URLs is considered as a good SEO practice.

They can be utilized in URLs in the following ways:

  • If possible, use the keyword in the main URL. Include the exact keyword in the URL. Google’s Algorithm looks at the URL and ranks it according to relevance.
  • Symbols and special characters not allowed: Special characters and symbols are cannot be included in the URL because they cause links to break.
  • Try to make page title and URL similar: While it may not always be possible to make the title of the page and the URL structure as similar. The connection between the two must be clear to the user.
  • Omit repetitions redundant words. There must be clarity built into the URL. Search engines are OK with long URLs people are not. User experience suffers when you use long URLs. Ideally the URL length should not exceed 100 characters.
  • Words are better than numbers. Auto generated URLs sometimes include numbers and confusing words – avoid. Only use words that are clear and convey your message properly and effectively.
  • Stop the use of Stop Words. Some words are disregarded by the search engines these are termed “Stop words”. (“to” “the” “but”,” etc.). Stop words can be omitted from URLs.

However sometimes it is necessary to include stop words for clarity.

A great way to optimize URL’s is through online shortening tools like Bitly.

All you have to do is make an account and add your website’s page URL.

When you get the shortened URL keyword-optimize it as per the tips mentioned above.

7. Importance of Linking Anchor Text

Clickable text that has links or hyperlinks to other pages or document is called anchor text.

Links are one of the most important ranking factors.

SEO consulting experts suggest that to avoid penalties from Google you need to build in text variations in your inbound links.

The same is true for internal links – the text should ideally be variations of the keyword(s).

Keep in mind the following points while writing anchor text links:

  • Links must be in line with the content of the page Short is sweet
  • Give the most concise description of the page that you are linking
  • Google sees exact same inbound links repeated over and over in the same website with suspicion

So a variety of natural phrases must be used to avoid penalties & the chance of getting blacklisted by Google.

8. Directories and External Listings

If you are listing on Google My Business it would be advisable to use SEO keywords in your account.

This would certainly help bring more traffic to your page.

Same is true for other directories and listings.

Using the same keywords throughout the web ensures that you get higher rankings and more branding opportunities.

This is because your business will come up when searchers type relevant keywords on Google.

9. Speak the same language on Social media

Social media searches are not a ranking factor but there is a strong link between SERPs and social shares.

This reason alone shows us the importance of optimizing your social media campaigns with relevant keywords.

Twitter is indexed by Google so it would be wise to use your keywords on Twitter.

That way people can be led to your Twitter profile and from there to your website.

Some reputable sites like Moz and many SEO experts are of the view that keywords should be used early in every social media campaign.

This according to them, can enhance your online visibility.

Keywords should also be used as hashtags but their use varies from site to site.

Improve existing pages by using Google Analytics.

Your existing pages that already get organic traffic may perform better when you adjustments to them.

The right tool for this purpose is Google Analytics.

Now you know about the importance and methods of defining your keywords in SEO.

Still finding it hard to accomplish? We are here to help!

Contact us and our SEO experts will get in touch with you.

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